Jorge - Electronic Dance Music
Jessica - Making an Album
Marilyn - OBGYN
Dominic - All Star Cheerleading (safety)
Nicholas - Automative Repair
Alyssa - Yoga
Ariana - Machine Programming
Emma - Yearbook
Ricardo - Drifting
Darlene - Cancer Survivors
Daniel - Car Audio
Cheryl - Veterinarian Oncology
Alex - Running a Bike Shop
Jeanette - Wedding Dress Design
2.) How are the individual components like during the year? How many essential questions should i make before making a final one? What kind of activities should we have and what is acceptable?
3.) The most important things I saw is how you are able to express so much into your topic, creating valid answers, and most of all an EQ where you can make 3 answers out of.
4.) I am thinking along the lines of real estate because it ties into one of my career choices. I believe doing real estate I am able to talk for 2 hours about my subject and create an life filled lesson.