2.) Henry Desai (909) 971-1000 Extension. 102
Email: henry.desai@khopatel.com
3.) What makes a small business thrive compared to other large corporate ones?
With so little people hired in a small business, what does a small business look for in an employee in order to hire them?
How does a small Certified Public Accountant Firm get recognized by big companies such as Mercedes Benz, Porche, and Chevy Dealers?
What can I do right now that can help me prepare myself for this kind of career?
4.) Mentoring at a CPA Firm was quite the experience since you see how everybody's work is tied in to each person's work as well. It finally showed me how working as a team, like the I-Poly way, really does help in a company. From filing invoices on Excel to photocopying 4 Binders for a client by the end of lunch. How fast and correct you do everything in a company truly does effect the pace, outcome, and overall status of a company. No matter how big or small it is.
5.) The reason I chose this topic of an Accountant in a CPA Firm is because of my mother and I love math compared to any other subject. Its just one of those jobs I can see myself succeeding in.
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